Springtime in Tucson is so beautiful. The sun shines, the flowers bloom. But with that comes the wind blowing pollen and dust around. Did you know that acupuncture can help allergies and the common cold? IT CAN!!!!! In fact, acupuncture can both treat and prevent allergies and colds. You don’t have to suffer that runny,… Read more »
Are you experiencing hot flashes that have nothing to do with the weather? You might be experiencing menopause. Although menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45-56, menopause can occur earlier if you are receiving chemotherapy, or if you’re using hormone replacement therapy (either because of chemotherapy, or because you’re transgender and transitioning). Same people continue to… Read more »
Do you have high blood pressure (aka “hypertension”)? You might not know it if you do because high blood pressure symptoms can take a long time to develop. That’s why it’s important to have annual check-ups with your primary care doctor. The Mayo Clinic explains that many factors can contribute to high blood pressure, including:… Read more »
Wow! The weather is HOT this summer and its only mid-June! We have seen temperatures up to 113 – 115 degrees and this will continue through the weekend! According to NPR the heat has caused cancelled plane flights in Phoenix, burns from falling and touching the ground, more snake sightings than usual and HEAT STROKE!!!… Read more »
Do you or a loved one struggle with addiction to alcohol or drugs? Acupuncture is an excellent source of treatment. What Causes Addiction? According to an article in the 2012 issue of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, drug addiction is often spurred by stress and/or depression. Drug use (both pharmaceutical and/or street drugs) can induce… Read more »