Jan 30 2025

2025 Year of the Yin Wood Snake

The Chinese New Year began January 29th and is the beginning of The Year of the Snake. Each lunar New Year is ruled by one of the 12 astrological animal signs and then also each sign has an element and is either yin or yang. This year is the year of the YIN WOOD SNAKE. Because the lunar New Year is ruled by the moon and not the sun the date of lunar New Year is different each year. Next year it will fall mid February. But until then we are in the year of the snake.

Many people think of snakes as scary but the year of the snake is not the cobra or the rattlesnake. It is the little green snake in the back yard that observes before striking, avoiding the clashes and conflicts if possible. In fact during a snake year it is taboo to harm a snake.

So what are some qualities of the snake signs and the snake year? Snake years are about letting go, moving on. It’s all about shedding bad energy and out of that shedding new beginnings arise. It’s about endings that might bring sadness at first, but are a blessing in disguise.

There are lots of new opportunities in a snake year. This year is a good time for changing jobs or residences if these are things that might need to be done. Snake years are also good years for travel.

Snakes are intelligent, mysterious, cautious, wise and intuitive. Snakes are flexible, tolerant and peace-oriented. So if you are a snake these qualities define you. In the year of the snake these qualities also define the year.

The Year of the Snake years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025.

Is Chinese Astrology or any kind of astrology real? That is for you to decide, not me…but it is fun to read. If you are interested learning more just google Year of the Snake. It will show you how the Snake year interacts with your Chinese Zodiac year.

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